This epic from director Brady Corbet tells the story of a European Jewish architect (Adrien Brody) who rebuilds his life in America after WWII. Settling in the Philadelphia area, he crosses paths with a wealthy industrialist who leads him to both professional success and personal chaos. Beautifully told with a soulful performance from Brody, THE BRUTALIST is a moving tribute to the immigrant experience. Also starring Felicity Jones and Guy Pearce. Presented with a 15 minute intermission.
THE BRUTALIST is a long movie. The film runs 3 hours 35 minutes. Part 1 is 1 hr 40 mins. The Intermission is 15 mins. Part 2 is 1 hr 40 mins.
Director Brady Corbet
Cast Adrien Brody, Felicity Jones, Guy Pearce
Country USA
Language English
Aspect 1.66